بازاریابی صنعتی پیشرفته

وبلاگ درس بازاریابی صنعتی پیشرفته - دوره دکتری - مدرس جناب آقای دکتر جعفری

بازاریابی صنعتی پیشرفته

وبلاگ درس بازاریابی صنعتی پیشرفته - دوره دکتری - مدرس جناب آقای دکتر جعفری

هفته سوم: آبادی

با سلام

1. مرور و معرفی  اندیشمند:

Sven A. Haugland

Sven A. Haugland

Professor of industrial marketing and strategy at NHH - Norwegian School of Economics

Bergen Area, Norway
Higher Education


Cannon, Joseph P., and Christian Homburg 

تکالیف هفته سوم

با عرض سلام و ادب

نام  صاحب نظران و تئوری های انتخابی خدمت استاد محترم و دوستان گرامی معرفی می گردد


  1. Resource-Advantage Theory by Shelby D. Hunt & Robert M. Morgan, 1995, 1997
  2.  The Theory of the Market Place in Dynamic Marketing Behavior by Wroe Alderson, 1965
  3. The Theory of Heterogeneous Demand by Chamberlin, 1933
  4. The Theory of Effective Dynamic Competition by Clark, 1940


  1. Shelby D. Hunt & Robert M. Morgan
  2. Wroe Alderson
  3. Chamberlin
  4. Clark

هفته سوم

معرفی دو اندیشمند:

1- Peter LaPlaca


Peter J. LaPlaca is Professor of Management and Marketing at the University of Hartford’s Barney School of Business. He served as Associate Dean of the Barney School 2006-2008.

He received his Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees in management from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (Troy, New York). He has also been a visiting professor at National University of Tainan, Concordia University, Athens University. Dr. LaPlaca was the founding President of A.B.M., the Association of Business Marketers. He was also a vicepresident and director of the Academy of Marketing Sciences. Dr. LaPlaca is the Editor-in-Chief of the INDUSTRIAL MARKETING MANAGEMENT.

2-Achinta mitra

Achinta Mira - Marketing EngineerI founded Tiecas, Inc. in 1987 because I saw a real need for marketing that was exclusively for manufacturers and industrial companies.

Many advertising agencies either shy away from technical marketing because of smaller budgets or tend to force-fit consumer (B2C) marketing tactics that are not as effective with an audience of engineering, technical and industrial professionals.

People with a graphic design background run most marketing and advertising agencies. I, on the other hand, have learned the trade by applying sound business management principles to my engineering education and combined it with creative thinking to help my industrial clients boost their sales. That’s why I call myself a marketing engineer.

I received a mechanical engineering degree from Indian Institute of Technology – IIT, Bombay and an MBA degree from Kent State University, Ohio.

Many of my industrial and B2B marketing articles have been published in content directories and industry portals such as B2B Marketing Zone and CustomerThink.

معرفی یک مدل مفهومی:


The Hierarchy of Effects Model was created in 1961 by Robert J Lavidge and Gary A Steiner. This marketing communication model, suggests that there are six steps from viewing a product advertisement (advert) to product purchase. The job of the advertiser is to encourage the customer to go through the six steps and purchase the product.


Hierarchy Of Effects Model


The six steps are as follows:


The customer becomes aware of the product through advertising. This is a challenging step, there is no guarantee that the customer will be aware of the product brand after they view the advert. Customers see many adverts each day but will only remember the brand of a tiny fraction of products.


The customer begins to gain knowledge about the product for example through the internet, retail advisors and product packaging. In today's digital world this step has become more important as consumers expect to gather product knowledge at the click of a button. Consumers will quickly move to competitor brands if they do not get the information they want. The advertiser's job is to ensure product information is easily available.


As the title states, this step is about ensuring that the customer likes your product. As an advertiser what features can you promote to encourage the customer to like your product?


Consumers may like more than one product brand and could end up buying any one of them. At this stage advertisers will want the consumer to disconnect from rival products and focus on their particular product. Advertisers will want to highlight their brand's benefits and unique selling points so that the consumer can differentiate it from competitor brands.


This stage is about creating the customer's desire to purchase the product. Advertisers may encourage conviction by allowing consumers to test or sample the product. Examples of this are inviting consumers to take a car for a test drive or offering consumers a free sample of a food product. This reassures consumers that the purchase will be a safe one.


Having proceeded through the above stages, the advertiser wants the customer to purchase their product. This stage needs to be simple and easy, otherwise the customer will get fed up and walk away without a purchase. For example a variety of payment options encourages purchase whilst a complicated and slow website discourages purchases.

Six Steps and Behaviour

Lavidge and Steiner suggested that the six steps can be split into three stages of consumer behaviour: cognitive, affective and conative. The job of the advertiser is to promote the three behaviours.

  • Cognitive (thinking) so that the consumer becomes product aware and gathers product knowledge
  • Affective (feeling) so that the consumer likes the product brand and has conviction in it
  • Conative (behaviour) so that the consumer buys the product brand


This model is known as a "hierarchy" because the number of consumers moving from one stage to the next reduces, as you move through the model. There may be a lot of consumers that see the product advert but not everyone will make a purchase. It takes a lot of work to take a consumer from awareness to the final stage of purchase, so businesses need to ensure that they try their utmost to get customers from conviction to complete the final stage of purchase.




هفته سوم-معرفی اندیشمند/صاحب نظر و تئوری/مدل مفهومی در مارکتینگ صنعتی-ایلیا امینی نژاد


1-Steve Baron

2-Rebekah Russell -Bennett

تئوری :

نظریه صلاحیت مرکزی

By : Hamel and Prahalad.

هفته سوم - مدل مفهومی و دو اندیشمند - علی مریخ نژاد

تئوری - مدل مفهومی در بازاریابی صنعتی:

Relationship Marketing Theory by Shelby D. Hunt

نظریه بازاریابی رابطه مند از شلبی هانت

دو صاحبنظر/اندیشمند در بازاریابی صنعتی:

Wesley J. Johnston

Gary L. Frankwick

Professor Wesley J. Johnston

حمید علیزاده/هفته سوم

معرفی دو اندیشمند در حوزه بازاریابی صنعتی :

Professor Ian F Wilkinson& Professor Hans Georg Gemünden

معرفی یک مدل در حوزه بازاریابی صنعتی :

Model of industrial buying behavior marketing

بیان مطالعه موردی در صنعت انتخابی:

صنعت سیمان و ارائه راه کارهای استراتژیکی برای مقابله با رقبای موجود در این صنعت

بررسی موردی: شرکت سیمان شمال

علیرضا کیا. هفته سوم

معرفی دو اندیشمند:

V.kasturi rangan & Carlos alfredo rosales

مدل : Two stage market segmentation : Wind & Cardozo

معرفی دو اندیشمند در زمینه بازاریابی صنعتی/تجاری- ارئه مدلی در بازاریابی صنعتی

با سلام و احترام،


خانم لیزا شر (Lisa K. Scheer)

و خانم سوزان مودامبی (Susan Mudambi)

مدل مفهومی:

Pinwheel Of Brand Value to The Customer

By:Susan Mudambi, Peter Doyle, Veronica Wong

هفته سوم - زهرا مهدوی

معرفی اندیشمندان : 

:Professor Nick Lee

(Honorary Professor of Marketing and Organisational Research) 

,MICHAEL A. STANKO, PhD ,: Assistant Professor of Marketing ,Jenkins Graduate School of Management North Carolina State University ,Department of Business Management
معرفی مدل مفهومی : An integrated model of the behavioural dimensions of industrial buyer-seller relationships 
(Leonidas C. Leonidou )

مطالعه موردی : 1- اهمیت صنعت پتروشیمی در کشور ایران؛ مطالعه موردی: شیوه قیمت گذاری گاز طبیعی خوراک واحدهای پتروشیمی
2- مشکلات تامین خوراک ورق های پلی کربنات و تعرفه ها درصنعت پلیمر (مطالعه موردی: شرکت جی لیان جی)

هفته سوم: اندیشمندان و صاحبنظران، و تئوری/مدل مفهومی بازاریابی صنعتی / تجاری-مونا صادقیان

اندیشمند/ صاحب نظر مارکتینگ صنعتی/تجاری

مدل مفهومی /تئوری مارکتینگ صنعتی/تجاری

Jennifer Aaker

(brand personality)

David Aaker

(brand equity)


The Comparative Advantage Theory of Competition    

Robert M. Morgan & Shelby D. Hunt

                     Robert  Morgan


صنعت: بررسی وضعیت صنعت چرم ایران ( مطالعه موردی:شرکت نوین چرم و استراتژی های موفقیت آمیز آن در مقایسه با رقبا)  

جدول مکاتب بازاریابی


هفته سوم : شیما عظیما

یا سلام و عرض ادب 

صاحب نظران   و مدل های بازاریابی صنعتی به حضورتان ارائه می گردد. 


هفته سوم - دو اندیشمند حوزه بازاریابی- یک مدل بازاریابی-علی اکبر افقهی

1-اندیشمندان :فیلیپ کاتلر و جرالد آلتمن - مفهوم بازاریابیاجتماعی

2-مدل ارائه شده :مدل‌های رفتار خریداران سازمانی- مدل شث Sheth Model

زهرا نیکو صفت

Dr David Ross Brennan 

 Professor of Industrial Marketing at the Hertfordshire Business School, University of Hertfordshire. His research interests are in business-to-business marketing strategy, macromarketing, cross-cultural marketing and marketing pedagogy. Ross Brennan’s research has been published in a wide range of academic journals including the European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, the Journal of Macromarketing, the Journal of 

Marketing Education, the Journal of Marketing Management, and the Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing

Wulff Plinke 

مدل مفهومی

Development of B2B marketing theory

Behavioral Approaches to Industrial Marketing: Extant and Emerging Research

هفته ی سوم - میلاد فرزین

با سلام 


James C. Anderson

Håkan Håkansson

Sarah Fisher Gardial

Spiros Gounaris

Esmail Salehi-Sangari

مدل مفهومی


Relationship quality in international markets

First mover advantage

Conceptual framework for CRM strategies

مطالعه موردی


هفته سوم-مونا مشیری

Frederick E. Webster, Jr.

Fred Webster

Professor Frederick E. Webster, Jr. is Jon Underwood Distinguished Research Fellow in Marketing at the University of Arizona. He is also the Professor Emeritus of Management at Dartmouth College. Additionally, Dr. Webster is Guest Lecturer in the Executive MBA program for the Customer Value Proposition module at the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona.

His research interests include marketing strategy and organization, industrial B2B marketing, organizational buying behavior, social and ethical issues in marketing, evolution of marketing management, relationship between sales management and marketing, marketing strategy as the link between customer orientation and profitability.

Professor Webster received his doctorate in business at Stanford University. He has received several awards for his contributions to the field of

marketing over the last twenty years, including the Vijay Mahajan Award from the American Marketing Association in 2005. 

P. K. Ghosh

 Professor Emeritus, Indian Institute of Social Wellfare and Business Management (IISW&BM) Kolkata, has over two decades of management consultancy experience with various leading business organizations. An alumnus of the Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Ahmedabad, he is also a visiting faculty at various business schools including IIM Bangalore and IIM Lucknow.

Introduction of conceptual model:

model of the role of information technology in globalization of business buying(Subroto Roy)

A conceptual model of B2B online service quality 

 resource‐advantage theory

هفته سوم: مهسا تقوی

با سلام

1. مرور و معرفی  اندیشمندان: 

Christian Homburg

Christian Homburg

Lehrstuhl für Business-to-Business Marketing, Sales & Pricing

Business-to-Business MarketingSalesPricingKundenbeziehungsmanagement,Strategisches Marketing

Verified email at bwl.uni-mannheim.de 

Jan B. Heide

 Jan B. Heide
Irwin Maier Chair in Marketing, University of Wisconsin-Madison

2.معرفی مدل:

 (1990) JB Heide & J George  

Image result for Jan B. Heide & George John

تکالیف هفته سوم - امیر بیگدلی

دو صاحبنظر بازار یابی صنعتی - تجاری

Jean Noel Kapferer

- Krishna K Havaldar

تئوری / مدل مفهومی بازاریابی صنعتی

- Theory of Reasoned Action

هفته سوم حسین سلطانی - علی صادقی - احمد متقی راد

اندیشمندان :

William L. Wilkie

Michael Kleinaltenkamp

Waldemar Pförtsch

 Stavros Kalafatis

 Frederick E. Webster

barton  weitz

مدل ها:

 مدل محصول -بازار آنسف 

 مدل choffray & lilian 

مدلWebster & wind  

مطالعات موردی:

شناسایی و ارزیابی عوامل موثر بر بازاریابی صنعت فولاد آلیاژی در ایران

آسیب شناسی صادرات زعفران

قیر و صادرات آن در ایران

لینک کار هفته سوم:

هفته سوم حسین علی سلطانی 

هفته سوم علی صادقی 

هفته سوم احمد متقی راد 

جمع بندی هفته اول و دوم/ حمید علیزاده
